09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂 新聞】警告提醒-請勿有現金買賣的行為 Just a reminder - Real Money Trading is not cool!


這是官方網站討論區的新聞公告區~發出的公告 !!

主要的意思就是告知~請不要有 買幣 的行為 !!

對於這些賣幣+自動bot 官方人員 將採取 某些措施 ~


我在想會不會gm抓到 確定是賣幣的~然後有跟他買的通通 一起鎖帳號阿 ?

哇......這下可精采了 !!


This is a friendly reminder that all forms of Real Money Trading are serious offenses. Buying and selling of adena gives others an unfair advantage over legitimate players and degrades the game experience for everyone.

Buying adena from a website only encourages the bot farming that everyone hates so much. If you are purchasing adena from one of these websites, you are in essence agreeing to have your own personal favorite hunting spots stolen by bots farming adena.

We are investigating bots, adena farmers, adena sellers, and adena purchasers with a renewed vigor. We are committed to locating all people involved in this process and accounts linked to RMT (selling, farming, and buying) will be punished.

We have new tools at our disposal, and we are using them to their fullest. If you have been involved in RMT activity in the past, and gotten away with it, I encourage you to rethink your actions. Not only are you contributing to something that has negative consequences for the whole game world, you are also endangering your account.

Please remember - Real Money Trading directly supports the botters and cheaters that degrade the game!