09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂 新聞】伺服器定期維修 公告 Server Maintenance - 3/3 - 1pm CST / 7pm GMT



Hiya Lineage Players!

All Lineage servers will be brought down tomorrow, Wednesday, March 3rd at 11am PST / 1pm CST / 2pm EST / 7pm GMT for our regularly scheduled weekly maintenance. Estimated downtime is approximately 2 hours.

Content Changes:
Fixed cell bounce-back issue

You are strolling through Fire Valley with your trusty ring when suddenly the urge to confront Ifrit strikes you. Odd - you don't usually have a deathwish, but something about your ring makes you feel confident in your success.


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