09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】Server Maintenance - 5/6 - 1pm CDT / 7pm GMT

Greetings Lineage players!

All Lineage servers will be brought down today at 11am PDT / 1pm CDT / 2pm EDT / 7pm GMT for our regularly scheduled server maintenance. Downtime will be approximately one hour.

Thank you!

You wake up from your nap to find that you understand everything so clearly.
Billing & Technical Phone Support Closed on Friday, 5/8/09
Hi folks!

NCsoft Billing and Technical Telephone Support will be unavailable on Friday, May 8, 2009 due to a company function. You will still be able to contact support via the website http://help.ncsoft.com. Telephone Support will resume on Monday, May 11, 2009 for our normal phone support hours.

Thank you!