09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】 Emergency Maintenance - 1/14 伺服器 維修 消息


Greetings Lineage players!

We will be bringing down all Lineage servers at 1pm CST / 2pm est / 7pm GMT for our regularly scheduled server maintenance. During this time there will be an exp restore performed for recorded deaths during a disconnect last week. Downtime is expected to be approximately one hour.

Thank you!

Waking up from your nap, you try to pick yourself up off of the ground only to find that you are so weak, your friend has to help you up. Your head begins to throb and for a minute you feel that it may explode from the pain that you feel.

Hi folks,

The servers will be coming down shortly (no ETA quite yet) for a brief fix. The KG ring is currently causing an issue related to strength and we need to correct this as soon as possible.

Downtime will be minimal but expect the servers to be come down within the next hour.

Thank you.