09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】A Lineage Update


A Lineage Update

As you may have heard, NCsoft is experiencing some big changes in our structure that were announced today. Part of these changes includes establishing a new studio called NC West in Seattle which is where the Lineage team will be moving to.

As you may have heard, NCsoft is experiencing some big changes in our structure that were announced today. Part of these changes includes establishing a new studio called NC West in Seattle which is where the Lineage team will be moving to. For more information on these changes, please visit the news announcement on PlayNC.com here.

We are welcoming a new member of our team as a part of these changes, Yong Taek Bae who will be leading the production team for Lineage. Yong Taek has been a valuable member of both NC Austin and NCsoft Seoul for seven years all together and we are very happy to have him on our Lineage team! The team is very excited about the opportunity to continue to work on Lineage and evolve the game from where it currently is. Our goals are not only to maintain the Lineage service, but heighten the experience and grow the game in the future in many ways. One of the first steps we are taking is moving forward with new content updates as you have seen, and we will continue to do so until we have closed the gap of time between Korean release and our own releases.

So how will all of this directly affect Lineage? We do plan to continue on with our current schedule and new content is still on track. We also have some exciting changes on the way such as the new forums and many more things planned in the future. Unfortunately as a result of these changes, Fracas will no longer be with us as a company and we do wish him the best with his future endeavors.