09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】Publish Today 1pm CDT 05/21/08 12:29 PM


That's roughly 30 minutes from now.

Patch Notes

Bug Fixes:

Resolved issue where hp and mp regeneration was stopping at 48%
Resolved issue where new players were being immediately teleported out of Singing Island and Hidden Valley

We have no plans to remove the dual pink/healer change. It's pretty clear that this was a change we originally did not know about (that patch came directly from Korea for another issue) but we're pleased to have it regardless.

We really don't have anything new to update now. (If we did, we'd be on it like buttah, because we like good news too.) We're still working with Ep6 and the new launcher. Ep6 very different from previous episodes, that's for sure, which is why we haven't been able to get it out the door the same way we got Ep5 out. Don't freak out, LoA fans...LoA isn't the hold up. It's an extra step, but it isn't the hold up. Mac users, you guys aren't the old up either. Instead, it is a lot of things that wouldn't make much sense from the user's standpoint. There's a lot of troubleshooting involved with this from both our side and from Korea's side. We're managed to make some breakthroughs, but again, it hasn't happened as quickly as we'd like either. The only thing I can really add is "we're sorry". Not that it helps, but it's the truth.

In other news, Fracas is indeed alive. He has not run off to Costa Rica to begin a new life - those rumors have been greatly exaggerated.

"Always keep your words soft and sweet in case you have to eat them"