09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】Server Maintenance 10/31(萬聖節活動登場ing)


We're taking down all the Lineage servers at 1PM CDT today for a maintenance update, which will feature the rain-shortened Halloween Event and one small non-event change. The event will last until 1PM CDT on Wednesday, November 7.


Here are all the cool new treats:

Pumpkin Heads have appeared in numerous towns throughout Aden. They come offering treats to adventurers!

  • Must be at least level 20 to receive treats from the "Treater" or interact with the "Trader"
  • Players level 20 - 39 will receive copper pumpkins which contain 10 tokens and 1 elixir token
  • Players level 40-49 will receive silver pumpkins which contain 15 tokens and 1 elixir token
  • Players level 50+ will receive gold pumpkins which contain 20 tokens and 1 elixir token

  • For five (5) tokens:
    • Amateur's Doublet
      • T-Shirt Item
      • 1 AC
      • +1 INT
      • -1 STR

    • Doublet of the Ant
      • T-Shirt Item
      • 1 AC
      • +1 STR
      • -1 DEX

    • Doublet of the Squirrel
      • T-Shirt Item
      • 1 AC
      • +1 DEX
      • -1 CON

    • Lance of Aden
      • Anniversary Event Item
      • Low damage weapon
      • Launches fireworks when you stab with it

    • Ring of the Crawling Claw
      • Anniversary Event Item
      • Polymorphing ring
      • Morphs user into crawling claw

    • Amulet of Rabbitkind
      • Anniversary Event Item
      • Polymorphing amulet
      • Morphs user into Mambo rabbit
  • For ten (10) tokens:
    • Apprentice's Doublet
      • T-Shirt Item
      • 2 AC
      • +1 INT
      • -1 STR

    • Doublet of the Hog
      • T-Shirt Item
      • 2 AC
      • +1 STR
      • -1 DEX

    • Doublet of the Rabbit
      • T-Shirt Item
      • 2 AC
      • +1 DEX
      • -1 CON

    • Magician's Doublet
      • T-Shirt Item
      • 1 AC
      • +1 INT
      • -1 STR
      • +3 resist to all elements

    • Doublet of the Rhino
      • T-Shirt Item
      • 1 AC
      • +1 STR
      • -1 DEX
      • +3 resist to all elements

    • Doublet of the Cougar
      • T-Shirt Item
      • 1 AC
      • +1 DEX
      • -1 CON
      • +3 resist to all elements

    • Ivory Tower Ring
      • Newbie Ring Item
      • 1 AC
  • For fifteen (15) tokens:
    • Trickster's Doublet
      • T-Shirt Item
      • 3 AC
      • +1 INT
      • -1 STR

    • Doublet of the Bear
      • T-Shirt Item
      • 3 AC
      • +1 STR
      • -1 DEX

    • Doublet of the Lynx
      • T-Shirt Item
      • 3 AC
      • +1 DEX
      • -1 CON

    • Sorceror's Doublet
      • 2 AC
      • +1 INT
      • -1 STR
      • +4 resist to all elements

    • Doublet of the Golem
      • 2 AC
      • +1 STR
      • -1 DEX
      • +4 resist to all elements

    • Doublet of the Leopard
      • 2 AC
      • +1 DEX
      • -1 CON
      • +4 resist to all elements

    • Ring of Vigor
      • Spring Event Set Item

    • Belt of Vigor
      • Spring Event Set Item

    • Earring of Hero
      • Episode 5 launch event item
      • 2 HP regen
      • 1 MP regen
  • For twenty (20) tokens:
    • Amulet of Vigor
      • Spring Event Set Item
      • Complete Set Awards:
        • 3 AC
        • +1 CHA
        • +1 WIS
        • +1 CON
        • +20 HP
        • +10 MP
        • +5 HP regen
        • +3 MP regen
        • +10 magic resist

    • Wizard's Doublet
      • 3 AC
      • +1 INT
      • -1 STR
      • +5 resist to all elements

    • Doublet of the Giant
      • 3 AC
      • +1 STR
      • -1 DEX
      • +5 resist to all elements

    • Doublet of the Cheetah
      • 3 AC
      • +1 DEX
      • -1 CON
      • +5 resist to all elements

Players can exchange their elixir token for more treat tokens:
  • If level 20-39 you will receive five (5) treat tokens
  • If level 40-49 you will receive ten (10) treat tokens
  • If level 50+ you will receive fifteen (15) treat tokens

Non-Event Related Changes
  • Elixirs now require a minimum level of 45 to consume.