09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂】PTS Publish 7.02.07


We published an event update to PTS today, patch notes are here.

What I would like to do is give some background on some of these changes.

Changes to cloaks of freedom
This one should be self explanatory. :P

Removed Killer Rabbits from Dungeons
Stunts like this require more observation than I was able to give over the course of making event adjustments. Meanwhile real players are setup to suffer. I may try something like this again in the future but, for now, I won't 'mess'.

Reduced the radius of Event Grim's Circle spell
With that much rump kickin' all ready going on, there's no need for him to assault everyone on screen. I brought it down a good bit so as to mostly only affect those attacking him.

Removed the magic gem cost of life stream
This was brought up on the Lineage boards and I felt it was a reasonable request. Enjoy.

Removed fluffy bunnies from Event Island 2
If you need carrot parts, there should be plenty on Event Island 1.

Changed drop probs on Public Test to match Live Servers
Yes, increased drops are an incentive to play on Test and surely some may be upset at this change. It is only temporary! With an event like this we really felt it was in everyone's best interest to get an exact view of the event before going live.

Balanced out event monster stats and drops
I'm sure this is the change that will get the most talk. Compared to how it has been, some of you may scream "nerf bat!", especially now that the PTS drop multiplier is disabled. How it has been, however, is absurd.

My goal with the drops was to make the adena payout constant, the consumable payout very frequent, enchant scrolls common, and then uber drops uncommon to rare.

All the bosses have a chance of dropping the same items, so you all might see a DK sword drop off a phoenix, or a bapho staff drop off of Baranka. With this in mind I also tweaked the Boss stats to match each other more. I boosted the hp of some of the squishier bosses and brought down the hp of the sturdier guys. Baranka, for example, had 4x the hp of some of the other bosses. No wonder nobody bothered with him, eh? Well that isn't the case anymore.

Dragons are still mean as hell but they should be worth the effort.

I tried to squeeze Glarielle on the islands but that turned into a journey of feature creep. Having abandoned that idea I did add some of Glarielle's drops to the current roster of monsters.

Overwhelmed Looking Boy and Island 3
There was a good amount of feedback regarding how it seemed very crowded on Event Island 2. I hoped to resolve this a few ways:

1. Keeping the carrot part farming to event island 1.
2. Sweeping the island and checking my spawn regions. I found one bug that caused two regions to overlap significantly. That is now fixed. I also added several new regions so, ideally, you should be able to encounter boss monsters almost anywhere on the island.
3. Adding a third island as a fail safe.

I hope you all enjoy this publish! As always, feedback is welcome, both here and on the Lineage boards.