09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【轉貼】Lineage Fansites


Lineage Fansites

Lineage fans around the world have put together unique and creative fansites represented by the links below.

Official Lineage I Fansites:


     Lineage Library



Additional Lineage I Fansites:

Lineage I Fansite Kit:

Interested in creating your very own Lineage I fan or news site, but unsure where to start? Download our official Lineage I fansite kit, chock-full of avatars, banners, logos, and more to inspire and assist our community members in building Lineage I fansites.

Lineage I Fansite Kit (21.2 MB Zipped)

Notice To Fansite and Website Masters

Thank you for your interest in Lineage®! Webmasters of non-commercial sites may use artwork from the Lineage® official website and fansite kit, but are asked to display this copyright notice on your site in a location that is clearly visible:

NCsoft®, the interlocking NC logo, Lineage®, and all associated logos and designs are trademarks or registered trademarks or service marks of NCsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

NCsoft Corporation has granted permission to [fill in your name or site name] to use NCsoft®, Lineage®, and all associated logos and designs for promotional and information purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not affiliated with, [fill in your name or site name] in any official capacity whatsoever.

When publishing content on your fan or news site that was first published on the Lineage® or PlayNC® website, please give appropriate credit, including a link to the original post or article as well as the name of the contributor, if applicable.

It is not permissible to sell any product or service that utilizes any aspect of Lineage®, NCsoft®, and all associated logos without the prior written consent of NCsoft Corporation.

NCsoft® reserves the right to refuse or withdraw permission for the reproduction of these images or any site content which by their sole determination does not adhere to the policies of their respective companies.
