09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】測式伺服器 維修消息 PTS Maintenance 12/15


挖你勒~很神秘喔 !

都要進入 測試 活動了 ~還搞不清楚 那些襪子是怎麼回事 !

Nyx 堅持 最後一刻 才會公佈內容 ! (ㄘㄟˇˋ)

大家期待吧 ~


若是要打怪的話~阿娘威......nyx 麻煩幫我人物 升到 60 好嗎 !  哈哈 .....

Hello Lineage players,

PTS will be brought down tomorrow, Wednesday, December 15th at 11am Pacific / 1pm Central / 7pm GMT for our regularly scheduled weekly maintenance.
Estimated down time is approximately 2 hours.

PTS Update

  • The Holiday event will be available on PTS from December 15th - 22nd.
Please join us for testing, you can find more info about the event here: http://www.lineage.com/news/seasons_greetings.html

See you all in game!