09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...




活動時間:09/03~09/15  ( 美國時間 )

( 秋大大os: 吼~本來說09/01~09/08 ,又改時間 09/03~09/15  =.= )

活動內容:所有的怪將有機率掉落 經驗加倍食物和  開放高等變身

經驗加倍食物有150%, 200%,和 250% 三種 ,沒有時間限制,直到你吃完 為止喔 !

(秋大大OS: 哇~ NC 阿NC!   你會讓大家為之瘋狂拉 ! )

It is the end of summer and Labor day is upon us! For all of the "hard labor" that you plan to do from September 1st to September 8th, you can receive XP Booster Fruit! All monsters will have the chance to drop 150%, 200%, and 250% XP Booster Fruit all week! All polymorphs will also be unlocked.