09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】伺服器 維修公告 Server Maintenance - 8/25 - 1pm CST / 6pm GMT


伺服器定期維修二個小時,台灣時間 08/26 凌晨2~4點 。

如同上禮拜在測試伺服器的更新內容,這禮拜套入正式伺服器 !

●  飾品的附魔系統 全面啟動 。(Loa 特殊的舛誤也能付魔囉 )
● 底比斯boss 再度 調升 他的強度 。
寵物-地獄 調整 魅力需要值 變更和 末日地獄相同 。(請大家 都去官方討論區 抗議,nyx 你怎可以
    這樣對待 玩家 ! 可憐的 白妖 阿 ! )
    更變候的魅力所需值→ http://www.linlib.com/lineage-guides.php?guide=cha
● 妖精法術- 大地屏障 ,施法範圍改為2格以內,請注意目前這個更改還有點問題,假如超過2格以上
● 傲慢塔91樓以上的變更:
    ◎ 調整 經驗值和 金幣 的掉落率 。
    ◎ 機會掉落 Essence of Elements  。(新增加 的物品)
    ◎ Essence of Elements 可到 亞丁的 npc-Calvin (座標位置  34068, 33148 ) 換取Bag of Elements
    ◎ Bag of Elements  有機會開出 以下物品  ↓


Hiya Lineage Players!

All Lineage servers will be brought down tomorrow, Wednesday, August 25th at 11am Pacific / 1pm Central / 2pm Eastern / 6pm GMT for our regularly scheduled weekly maintenance. Estimated downtime is approximately 2 hours.

Content Update

  • All US Ruleset accessory items should now be enchantable through the new accessory enchant system.
  • Thebes Bosses hp regen increased to 5000 hp / 5 secs (full strength).
  • New US Ruleset changes made:
    • Inferno charisma requirement changed. The CHA requirement is now the same as a Doom Lizard.
    • Earth Bind range reduced to 2 cells. The spell will only be effective if cast within 2 cells. You can cast it on a target beyond 2 cells, but it will automatically fail and mana will be consumed.
  • Revamp of TOI 91-100 - complete details here.

While going through your satchel, you come across your trusty Hunter's Bow. It's been awhile since you used it, but it slides naturally into your hands and feels quite comfortable. Might be a good time for some target practice.....