09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】08/09 測試伺服器更新消息 PTS Maintenance 8/9


測試伺服器,更新最後確認3章改版內容,回憶蠟燭販賣的選項和 經驗值支配團npc都將移除 !
(這些內容也就是 8/11 將正式 放入 伺服器的拉 )
僅如還為 測試 或使用到的 ~請儘快購買+使用喔 !
滅光戒指 也將 更新其 功能
To prepare for the launch of Season 3, the final release build will be updated to PTS on Monday, August 9th.

The candle seller and xp giver will be removed and the KG ring will be updated.

Please create and level all the characters that you want on PTS, and stock up on candles now!

I will be handing out KG rings between now and Monday, so that after the update to PTS you can test out the super-special awesome KG ring that will go live with the launch of Season 3!