09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】正式改版3章時間公告 Season 3, Episode 1 goes to live 8/11!



期待已久的3章改版 即將在 08/11 在正式伺服器登場 囉 。(台灣時間08/12)
秋大大OS: 由於他沒說明這次他會維修多久 估計大約2~5小時吧 !
當然測試伺服器上的 商店 販賣蠟燭選項 經驗值支付團 都會移除 ,
此外,底比斯金字塔底部的那2支 BOSS 將 再度  強化
Season 3, Episode 1 will be moving to live on Wednesday, 8/11 during maintenance!

To prepare for the launch to live, PTS will be updated on Monday, 8/9 with the final build before launch. The candle seller and xp giver will be removed and the KG ring will be updated.

Create and level all the characters that you want on PTS between now and Monday, and stock up on candles! We will not be manually leveling characters after the xp giver goes away, and we can't trade candles. Stock up NOW!!

I will continue to be on test periodically and will be handing out KG rings, so people can test the ring that will go live with the new content (its super-special awesomeeven better than last time I said that).

Known Issue
The Mac client continues to have the hotkey/options issue. We have been working with Korea and here is the situation:

The bug is not consistent. When Korea first tried to repro it, they did not experience it at all. If you do a fresh install with a new account and a character that has never had hot keys saved, the bug does not occur. It also varies in how it manifests. Sometimes the hotkeys disappear completely, sometimes they scramble, sometimes you are able to replace them, sometimes you cannot replace them. We have provided Korea with video of each of the different scenarios and they are now working directly with our internal test server.

I sincerely apologize that the issue is still happening. There is still a small chance that we will get a fix today and we have already committed that if that occurs we will spend our weekend testing in order to get the fix out with the launch. While we hope that this might happen, I want to prepare you for the reality that we may have to launch the new content on Wednesday with this bug still occurring. I'm sorry.

It has only been 5 and a half months since our last update, and we are excited to be able to move forward quickly. We plan to continue advancing as quickly as possible so that we can catch up and provide you with the most current content as soon as possible!