09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】Attention Lineage!



大致上就是在講美版天堂 是個 不同其他國家版本 的天堂 ,

是個特殊+有特色 的 天堂伺服器 !

所以韓國原廠的版本 也不能 直接複製套用上去美版 (秋大大os: 嗯....美版 特殊 =.=)

未來的日子惠陸陸續續改版更新 (秋大大os: 說一堆 就是不給明確時間哪時候會有更新 =.=),

目前測試伺服器修改了 傲慢塔 71~80樓層,

讓他更適合能夠大家團戀 ~而不是 過客 ....吃吃boss而已  !

也希望大家都能 多來 測試 測試 !

報告完畢 !


Hello Lineage Fans!

Before I tell you about my plans for Lineage in the US, I will jump right into what the players feel is the primary issue.

Where is our new episode?
As Nyx has mentioned, new content is on the near horizon. This is our primary concern. The good news is, its coming... The better news is, we plan to exceed your expectations in our next major content delivery. Shouldn't be too hard right? We know your expectations are low, which is something we plan to change also! As many of you have pointed out, there is no magical switch we can flip to update the servers with new Korean content. Everything takes time.

Instead of asking you to wait around for our plans to reach fruition, we instead will give you reasons to wait around. Which leads me to...

-The US Server Rule Set-
We know that US Server players are not the same as other areas in the world. We are cut from a different cloth. We are a unique monster.

There is no debate that the US Server's were at their peak during the early days of the US Rule Set (commonly referred to as LOA rule set.) Players had their requests filled and saw content and updates in game that met their demands and play styles, on a regular basis.

As you can see by the reintroduction of (most) of the drops that went away... the US Rule Set will not be going anywhere. Quite the opposite actually, I will be introducing more US Rule Set content.

But Jetzen, doesn't the US Rule Set slow down new content from Korea?
Yes, it does. However, the delay caused is negligible and in no way is enough to warrant removing the rule set. US Rule Set content is something US players desire. Rest assured that the changes I am making will not cause delays to you receiving new Korean content.

On Test Server tomorrow you will see more of the new US Rule Set content.
I have begun revamping areas of Aden that are going unused and have been for a very long time. The first area I have touched on is Tower of Insolence floors 71 through 80. I have rebalanced spawn, drops and EXP gain in this area to make it a more viable hunting place for groups.

Nyx and I would like to encourage players to come to Test Server and help us check the new revamps to this area. We realize that this coincides with an event on Live Servers that you will be hesitant to lose time on. We will make sure your time spent on test is rewarding and enjoyable.

Jetzen, why TOI 71-80F?
This is just the first area I am touching on. While this area may not be one of interest to you, a future area surely will.

More more and more!
In coming months we will be continuing to provide new revamps and US Rule Set changes to make the game more enjoyable for our unique player base. Our plan is to give you a reason to log in other than during events.

Many of you have been with us for a very long time and we would like to reward you. We will be implementing a Veteran Reward system to give you bonuses for the time you have invested with us. Stay tuned for that coming soon also.

/end wallo'text