09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】伺服器維修公告 Server Maintenance - 1/27 - 1pm CST / 7pm GMT



Gludin將出售1 adena蠟燭,讓每個人都有機會充分測試重制系統。
滅光戒指功能-持續便身.......袋鼠。(秋大大os: 哈哈 一堆袋鼠 跳跳跳拉 ...)
Hiya Lineage Players,

All Lineage servers will be brought down tomorrow, Wednesday, January 27th at 11am PDT / 1pm CDT / 2pm EDT / 7pm GMT for our regularly scheduled weekly maintenance. Estimated downtime is approximately 2 hours.

You pull out your trusty ring, anxious to see what good or bad effects may befall you. But to your surprise..... boing....boing.....boing. Again?

  • After maintenance on Wednesday, PTS will be updated with some minor fixes. Also, Luth in Gludin will be selling candles for 1 adena so that everyone has a chance to fully test the stat re-roll.
  • Unfortunately, we still do not have a fix for the mac client. We are working with Korea to get this fixed as quickly as possible. We know that many of our loyal users play on a Mac and it is a priority for us to get this fixed.
  • As for the KG ring, we are unable to properly test a new KG ring, since our test servers are currently running the new content. For this reason, the live KG rings will remain as the kangaroo morph until the patch is released to live.