09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】測試服最新公告 PTS News


今天凌晨 4 點 (23 號星期六) 測試服將關機進行細部資料更新, 在這裡提供以下幾天測試服的現況敬請注意 (以下資料皆為測試伺服器, 目前測試伺服器為 LOA 人物角色資料為 Copy) 點這裡看測試服連線教學

  1. 測試服的主旨為測試資料用, 在程式各方面並無絕對保證都能正常運行
  2. 目前測試服版本並無支援麥金塔 (Mac 頻果電腦系統) 平台使用者
  3. 因為新地圖, 系統, 怪物等更新資料龐大, 此次關機時間將會持續數小時之久, 屆時正服改版也許會發佈新的主程式供大家下載, 目前尚不確定
  4. 人物重置系統更新, 所有角色登入遊戲後物品欄內都會有兩支回憶蠟燭可供角色重置使用, 預計再下次維修後將會新增更多回憶蠟燭讓玩家測試
目前測試服已知 Bug
  1. 麥金塔系統會在登入畫面下當機
  2. 召喚怪黑豹的魔法攻擊會波及到鄰近的玩家並召喚者本人, 使得召喚者變成紫色 (PK 狀態)
  3. 某些文字捲動軸顯示錯誤
  4. 每個角色第一次登入遊戲時會出現在空白地圖 "回憶之地" 重登即可解決此問題
  5. 玩家以英語系統以外的語言登入遊戲將會遇到無法使用某些物和品裝備等問題, 文字的讀取和輸入也會出現錯誤, 目前解決辦法為切換成英語系統後重新進入遊戲即可 (/Lang English)
  1. 各村莊的無限大賽
  2. 古魯丁村的擂台賽, 寵物競技, 鬼屋, 釣魚系統
  3. 新變更的試煉 (王族 45 級, 王騎妖法 50 級)
  4. 人物數值重置系統 (以下為流程)
  • 把回憶蠟燭交給古魯丁村莊的重置 NPC Lolo (露露)

  • 隨即進入數值重置畫面, 角色等級回歸 1 級, 原始額外點數依職業不同而有所不同 (下圖紅框處)

  • 即可進行重置程序, 把點數加在自己想要的素質上, 每個素質的點數不同皆有不同影響 (力量)

  • 敏捷素質的不同造成不同的額外加成

  • 當初使點數分配好了以後, 按下 OK 鍵 (確定後即不可再更改, 每次重置將會消耗一跟回憶蠟燭)

  • 確認完成後即可進行人物升級動作 (可以一次 1 級或是一次 10 級進行直到該角色最大等級)

  • 當角色等級達到 41 級時, 只能一次升 1 級

  • 當角色達到 51 級時則會獲得 1 點額外點數, 必須用盡該點數於想要的素質上後才能再繼續升級

  • 重複註冊點數在想要的素質上直到達到該角色的最大等級後, 按 OK 鍵確認

  • 如果該角色之前有使用過 "萬能藥" 此時則會出現額外點數 (依照使用的數量有所不同, 最大值為 5, 如果從未使用過則不會出現額外點數) 用盡所有額外點數後按 OK 鍵確認

  • 待按下確認鍵後則完成點數重置程序, 請重新體驗天堂

Greetings Lineage PTS players!

Today's the day!
We are going to attempt to publish the new content from Episode U (complete) and Base Stat Renewal (2 Candles per character for now) onto PTS today at 2PM CST. The duration of the maintenance is undetermined.

Here's what you should know.
  1. This is the test server. Keep that in mind. We aren't guaranteeing ANYTHING works. If you try to use a Candle and your dark elf turns into a Jedi and crashes your client, that's what test server is for.
  2. Unfortunately, this label will not have support for Mac just yet. Before you all start grabbing your pitchforks, let me shoot it to you straight. We tried our best for a simultaneous release on PTS for both, but we've been having a lot of issues with our Mac client. We'll try to get it out as soon as possible. However, I didn't want to wait for people to start testing the new content. Who knows how many bugs people could have found and made the game better for live during this time? And again... refer back to number 1.
  3. The update will take a looooooooong time. This is a lot of new maps, monsters, items, systems, etc. It will take a few hours for us to do the necessary work to update it. This is before you guys even start to sync the mass amount of content. For live, we hope to have a new installer out as well, but the patcher hasn't been giving us any big problems so far.
  4. Every character will have 2 Candles to begin with in their inventory. It will stay like this for at least a week. By next week, you will receive more candles to test with, but if you blow your 2 candles in the first 5 minutes and chose crappy stats... you're stuck like that for a week.


Attention Lineage Testers!

Below is a list of the bigger issues we are already aware of in this update. This does not include all known issues, it only includes larger issues specific to this update.
  1. Mac Client freezes up on log in.
  2. Summoned Cougar's magic area attack hits the pet owner as well as other players, causing the user to go Pink status.
  3. Word wrapping issues.
  4. Each character will log in for the first time in a blank map called Land of Reminiscence. Simply restart to get out.
There are a few key areas of interest we would like players to help us test.

All Mini Games around the world of Aden:
  • Deathmatches in each town (PvM)
  • Deathmatches in Gludin (PvP)
  • Pet Racing in Gludin
  • Haunted House in Gludin
  • Fishing in Gludin
New/Modified Class Specific Quests:
  • Level 45 Royal
  • Level 50 Elf
  • Level 50 Royal
  • Level 50 Mage
  • Level 50 Knight



以上翻譯資料轉自: SLM INFO Desk @ Ken Rauhel 維基亞資訊站