09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】點數重置系統開始測試Base Stat Renewal Guide


 Here is a comprehensive guide to Base Stat Renewal. There are still some formatting and typo errors in the screenshots, but those will be fixed soon. Each character will receive two (2) Candles of Recollection to use.

  • Take your Candle of Recollection to Lolo in Gludio.

  • This will take you to the first screen in the Base Stat Renewal process. You will see the box that says Bonus Points. This is how many points you get to redistribute.

  • I used my first point on Strength. The chart at the bottom shows how your points affect your character.

  • I used my second point on Dexterity. The chart updates to show this.

  • When all of your points have been distributed, click OK. BE SURE you are pleased with where your points are because you CANNOT go back after you click OK.

  • Now you will be able to level your character up. You can choose to level up one level at a time, or ten levels at a time.

  • Once you reach level 41, you will only be able to level up one level at a time.

  • Once you reach level 51, you will receive another bonus point each level to distribute. You must distribute this point to one of your stats before you can level up to the next level.

  • Once you have reached your actual level (in this case 70), press OK.

  • If you have used elixirs, you will get a pop-up box asking you to distribute your elixir points. If you have not used any elixirs you will not see this box. Click OK in the box to distribute your elixir points, then click OK when you are done.

  • After pressing OK for the last time, you will arrive back in Gludio and you will have completed the Base Stat Renewal process. Enjoy your new stats!