09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋的美版天堂新聞】Good News! Updated info on new content! 關於改版消息



I know you have been waiting for information about new content, stat renewal etc. I am pleased to announce that this week the Korean developers visited here in our Seattle office and helped us pinpoint and work out the technical difficulties with the patch.

Now that the patch is fully functional, we are in the first stages of testing it. So far, it looks great! The dev's helped a great deal and really sped up the whole process. We were able to sit down with them and discuss the changes that have been made, why they decided to do certain things, and the direction they want the game to go in the future.

As I said, we only began testing the fully functional patch this week. So far we have not encountered any critical problems or errors that should block us from going to test server fairly soon. This being the case, I am still obligated to let you guys know that although things are going smoothly now, we are still in the middle of testing and we could just as easily encounter a critical bug. That being the case, we do not yet have a confirmed date for when the new content will be on PTS, but as soon as we do we will let you know!

I am also working on patch notes and detailed info to give you about the new content. We will keep you updated as it becomes available.