09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋的美版天堂新聞】Ant Caves SS and more info on new content! 有關改版測試報告訊息


圖片是有關於測試人員在更新候的螞蟻動穴測試的截圖 。





To answer a few questions:

We will be wiping the test server prior to putting the new content on PTS. Beyond that, no official decision has been made. We will let you know when it is decided.

For the new content, we are splitting it up and only introducing the end of Season 2, including the rest of Episode U. Due to the large amount of content, we wanted to release some of it as soon as possible. So, we will be finishing out Season 2 first, which includes the base stat renewal, in order to get new content to you as quickly as possible.

One of the things that will not be available yet is Account Services. Everyone will be allowed to go through base stat renewal at no charge. Characters will receive a candle that allows them to use the base stat renewal feature. Unfortunately, the other services such as name change, gender change, and server change will not be available yet. Also, due to this fact, once the given candle is used, additional candles will not be available for purchase.

More details to come as soon as I have them available. For now - here is a screenshot of the Ant Cave as requested!