09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】Halloween Event Details!

GMNyx, Frosty and Jetzen are in-game now answering questions and helping people get started with the event.

Some details:

Rewards for pumpkin seeds:

10 seeds = Chaotic Pumpkin that will spawn a boss in the Cavern of Chaos
WARNING - If you leave the cavern, the pumpkin is taken away. You can only spawn bosses within the cavern.

75 seeds = Choice of earrings: Helio Earrings +5MR or Red Orc +3 HP/MP regen

125 seeds = Stat t-shirt of choice - STR (Giant), DEX (Cheetah), or INT(Wizard)

Good luck and have fun!