09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】Halloween Event! 萬聖節活動

10/01 發揮你的創意,隨著音樂搖擺.....秀出你的創意!
Many of you have asked for more information about what we are doing for Halloween. We're still finalizing details but I will give you some info for now

Dates - Wednesday, October 28 through Wednesday, November 4

The event will begin after regularly scheduled maintenance and end with the next week's maintenance.

There will be an out-of-game contest that goes along with the in-game event. The contest will begin Thursday, October 1 and there will be prizes. More info to come on that soon, but here's your first hint:

You wake up with a melody running through your head. Your feeling quite creative today - you just feel like singing for some unknown reason.