09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】Bardic Singing Contest!



要來歌唱比賽拉........10/1 可以將你的 作品 發布在 YouTube

獎品有:Lineage t-shirt and the ability to rename the Killglance ring



Hiya Lineage fans!

You wake up with a melody running through your head. Your feeling quite creative today - you just feel like singing for some unknown reason.

Feeling creative? We want to give you the opportunity to showcase your creative skills and your beautiful voice!

Beginning October 1, players can create a song of their choice with Lineage based lyrics. The grand prize winner will receive a Lineage t-shirt and the ability to rename the Killglance ring!

After you compose your song, post a music video of the song on YouTube (it can be you personally singing, or a music video to go with your song, or simply a montage of images). Then, post a link to your video along with the lyrics to the song in text form here in the forums.

Full contest details are available on our website!

Good luck to everyone!


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