09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】2009年冬季活動 準備開跑 囉 Winter Festival 2009



活動內容:(以下內容 翻譯 轉自夢想家 論壇 id:   chengkliao     所發布,點擊 他的id 前往他所發布 內容)

魯道夫損失了他的鹿角, 需要你我一起幫他找回來!可惡的妖魔獵人破壞了今年的聖誕節,他偽裝成聖誕老公公把魯道夫的鹿角割走了然後又嚇跑他們!這個問題導致聖誕老公公無法在沒有他親密的魯道夫的協助之下去將今年的聖誕禮物給大家,聖誕老公公需要你的幫助,幫忙取回魯道夫的角和尋回魯道夫。聖誕老公公嘗試把大家的禮物先藏起來,可惜卻被邪惡的妖魔聖誕老頭偷走了,如今聖誕老公公沒有禮物而魯道夫也因為沒有鹿角而不能再次飛翔,我們需要你從邪惡的妖魔手中來幫忙找出這兩樣重要寶物。


你也必須注意妖魔聖誕老頭的行蹤,並從他們手中取回大家的聖誕禮物,當然禮物打開來,東西就是你的啦! 眾樂樂不如獨樂樂囉!活動期間,聖誕老公公會待在毆瑞村,他會販賣聖誕卡片、聖誕樹,以及一些非常強大的防具 (腰帶、戒指、項鍊),這些裝備可以幫忙你去對抗邪惡的妖魔們,而聖誕老公公也可以利用這些資金去購買麋鹿項圈,以防止他再度失去他的魯道夫,嗚嗚嗚‧‧‧


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Rudolph has lost his antlers and needs you to help him get them back! An evil Orc hunter pretending to be Santa ruined Christmas this year by cutting off Rudolph's antlers and scaring him away. Santa was unable to deliver any presents without his trusty reindeer so he wants you to help him get Rudolph back. Santa tried to hide his presents while he looked for Rudolph but the evil Orc Santa stole his presents away from him. Now Rudolph cannot fly with out his antlers and Santa doesn’t have any presents, so you need to hunt down these two evil Orcs to make things right!

Prove yourself to Rudolph by tracking down the evil orc hunter and bringing proof of your victory back to Rudolph who is waiting in Giran. If you can do this during the first week of the Winter Festival, then all during the second week Rudolph will grant you a magical blessing! You may share Rudolph's love with other worthy players so that they too can receive Rudolph's magical blessing. Keep an eye out for Orc Santa, the evil monster who took all of Santa’s presents! Only those who hunt down Orc Santa will have a chance at obtaining some of the stolen Christmas presents.

Santa will be in Oren Town all throughout the festival selling his gently used Christmas Trees, Christmas cards, and some powerful temporary armor (Belt, Ring, and Amulet) so that he can raise enough money to buy himself a Reindeer tracker so that he will never miss Christmas again!

The Lineage Winter Festival 2009 will begin on January 28th and last until February 11th!