09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】Episodes 6 and U Arrive Wednesday 10/22!


Episodes 6 and U Arrive Wednesday 10/22!

October 17, 2008 -

We are pleased to announce the upcoming release of Episode 6 and Episode U to our live servers on Wednesday, October 22nd! The Lastavard - Inevitable Destiny contains new areas to explore, new monsters to battle, new spells and so much more! To see an overview of what is on the way, please check out our Episode 6 and U Preview!

We thank all of our testers for their contributions and help towards making the content ready for our launch next week. Please check out the discussions in the Test Server forum on our brand new message board to see what has been going on! The Lineage team has worked hard on bringing these episodes to you and we hope you are as excited about next week as we are!