09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂】Episode 6 + U 改版內容 +簡單翻譯(10/22改版喔)


Episode 6 + U

Girtas, the ruler of the otherworld has been released into Aden! Through the power of an Evil Sorcerer ritual, Dantes unknowingly opened a portal to the otherworld allowing Girtas to partially escape. (這段是講....背景故事)

Lastavard Expands (拉斯塔巴德的擴大)

Countless souls of Lastavard's Dark Elves were lost in the ritual and it is up to you to save Aden now!

  • 6 new maps added! (增加的6張新的地圖)
    • Lastavard is divided into two large parts, the upper and lower areas. The lower part of Lastavard consists of the basement up to the third floor. The upper part includes the fourth floor and the Holy Land. Throughout the dungeon you will find Dantes, the eight Supreme Court Justices and more. (拉斯塔巴德4樓.黑暗腰精聖地....等區域吧)
    • Find ways to open up new passages on the fourth floor by defeating the justices and enemies that you encounter.
  • New mops: (新的怪物上場...)
    • Cursed Dark Elves are the soldiers of Lastavard that lost their souls when the commander of the otherworld appeared. They were reborn into soul-less monsters full of hatred.
    • Supreme Court Justices are the elders on the first through the fourth floor. Each has their own strength and can unlock the many new passageways of Lastavard.
    • Guardian Spirits summoned from the otherworld have appeared around the dungeon.
  • Brand new boss - Girtas is the God of Death who was summoned in the ritual by Dantes. His power is amplified by devouring the souls of the Lastavard Dark Elves. (喲...大boss 吉爾塔斯 登場)
  • New quests added!

Gludin Town Rebuilt(古魯丁 重建)

Once destroyed by war, the town is being reconstructed with a festival atmosphere. Merchants who once left the town have returned to re-open their stores!

  • More housing added! (新增古魯丁的盟屋)
  • Fishing: (釣魚系統)
    • Fished items have a few different uses. Some items will act like potions when consumed whereas others may be materials or items used for other purposes. You can even catch items that you can wear!
    • You will need bait and a fishing pole in order to fish. Fishing can only be done in the fishing pond! Find the young gentleman in Gludin if you wish to travel to the fishing pond.
  • Cooking: (烹飪系統)
    • There are many different level cook books that can be obtained from merchants and from monster drops.
    • Food ingredient merchants can be found in Aden, Gludin, and Giran.
  • Pet PVP matches: (寵物pvp競賽)
    • Now you can test your pet against your friends' pets to see which one is stronger!
    • Prizes exist for the pets who win the matches but there are entry fees to participate.
    • Pets must be level 5 or greater in order to participate. They cannot be controlled once they are in the ring, it is up to them!
  • Haunted House: (幽靈 迷宮)
    • The Haunted House is a non combat maze where you must find the prize while carefully avoiding the traps throughout! If you're lucky, you may find a rare quest item in the house.

Desire Cavern (慾望洞穴)


Yahee is the chief of 'Kahel's Puppets' whose hatred for the recent uprising in humans had been growing. Suspecting that there was a human spy in his midst, he sent Tarak to investigate the Temple of Shadows. (看到 上邊 那張圖沒 ?就是他 新boss 拉)

Tarak and Yahee were correct and discovered that Lord Varlok had indeed sent a spy from "Pure Blood Stone" to infiltrate his temple! Vowing to put an end to the human contamination, Yahee led his Kahels out of the Temple of Shadows to plot their demise.

  • Varlok has moved out of the Temple of Shadows.
    • Varlok is the strongest creature in all of Desire Cavern. Although he is a single being, the wretched humans have created a second Varlok who is a symbol of fear and dread.
  • Two faction lines to choose from: Yahee or Varlok
  • New quest to get to Varlok - Commander of Elements

Ship Graveyard (舶船之墓)

A long, long time ago, pirates dominated the oceans and led sieges against trade ships that dared to pass through their waters. The remains of these battles drifted along in the ocean currents towards Pirates Island where they have accumulated in a cavern deep below the surface.

In the deepest part of the island, a door to a new realm has opened up where there is a graveyard of ships. What kind of resentment and sorrow dwells here?

Three levels of the Ship Graveyard:

  1. Surface - Debris of ships are scattered along the surface and show evidence that there were survivors of the battles that took place on the seas so long ago.
  2. Ship - There is a single ship floating on the surface of the sea that will lead you to the deep sea.
  3. Deep Sea - Many creatures dwell in the depths of the deep sea.

Many new NPCs in Ship Graveyard: (新增npc 舶船之墓 的任務)

  • Chief Mermaid - Humans once became deformed into mermaids. The strongest of the mermaids became chiefs of their race.
  • Great King Squid - This creature floats in the deep sea emitting a pale light like a ghost. He attacks invaders with his long tentacles.
  • Drowned Souls - These sailors were the unfortunate victims of the attacks on the ocean. Doomed to roam the surface of the sea, they are filled with a deep-seated grudge and hatred towards all they encounter.

Other Changes on the way (其他的更新事項)

  • Heine Dungeon revamp.
  • Elven Dungeon revamp including brand new mops.
  • New teleporter NPCs.
  • New Spirit Magic and Knight Skills.
    • Knight Solid Carriage - This increases evasion against long distance attacks when a knight is using a shield.
    • Knight Counter Barrier - When using a two handed sword, this ability evades an opponent's attack and counters it.
  • Royals will have access to mounts enabling them to travel at faster speeds.

(看到這張圖 ↓ 軍馬系統 也更新了唄)