09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】Weekend of Chaos (on PTS)(萬聖節活動第一階段-測試伺服器)



Men and Elves alike mostly scoffed at Gran Kain's previous attempt to spread havoc and destruction throughout Aden on All Hallow's Eve. Since that horrible night some two years ago, the mere mortals continued their ridicule of the deities by ruthlessly slaughtering their minions, engaging in useless magic tricks, disguising themselves in costumed parodies and brutalizing candy-filled effigies of the Gods with clubs and pointed sticks. Unable to absorb the mockery for yet another year, letters spread by the followers of Gran Kain have appeared throughout Aden, promising chaos and destruction come Halloween. The Wizards of the Ivory Tower are devising a way to undo Gran Kain's wrath, but it may take some time before they are ready.

The time of chaos is approaching yet again...


The Halloween event for 2007 is coming and it'll be hitting the Public Test Server (PTS) this weekend, starting Friday, October 19 and ending on Monday, October 22.

The "Weekend of Chaos" Event on the PTS will have the following changes:
  • Money is now worthless and should be discarded. You won't need it!
  • Powerful weapons are now plentiful but will disappear when you log out.
  • Items cannot be stored or retrieved through storage dwarves.
  • All of the Innkeepers have fled for safety.
On Monday, the Wizard of the Ivory Tower will be ready to reverse the chaotic changes, but anything that took place during the "Weekend of Chaos" will be reversed as well. In other words, what happens over the weekend is not permanent.

活動首先在測試是服氣展開 測試~(19~22號)

有興趣的可以到測試伺服器 看看囉!!!