09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】萬聖節惡作劇第四彈-作者Nyx ( 萬聖節活動提示 ) Halloween Escapades Part Three - A Short Story by Nyx


As you pass by Luth’s shop, the sign has changed! “Candles arriving next week! One candle per household personally delivered to your door!” Thank goodness! Just in time to light up your pumpkin for Halloween.

The lady with her skeleton doll is still outside. That note before, about paying with souls, has made you curious. You decide to stop and ask some questions.

“So your friends will be arriving next week, according to your flyer,” you say. “Tell me more about paying with souls and what I will have to do to get a doll.”

“Ah,” she says. “I see your curiosity has gotten to you. That’s of course what we were hoping for.” She winks at you. “There is a area that has become over-run by evil monsters. These are not your normal evil monsters. These monsters have trapped innocent souls and are keeping them from resting. We want you to help us kill these monsters. You will then receive these trapped souls. Bring them back to one of my friends to trade for items from our shop, and also to earn your doll. We will ensure that the souls make it to their resting place, and don’t get captured again. If we need your help in any other quests, we will let you know.”

“Hm – ok. Well where do I have to go to hunt these monsters and what do I get for helping you?” you ask.

“Oh getting there is the easy part,” she replies. “One of my friends will teleport you there. It’s the only way to get to this particular village. Believe me, it’s not anywhere you have ever been before! As for what we will give you in exchange for souls, you’ll probably want to get your doll first. But then we have lots of other things too! Some of them are just temporary fun items like we advertised on the flyer. Sword of Severed Hand and Armor of Lost Souls – those are fun, powerful, temporary items. There are Halloween-themed polymorphs that are awesome too. These are magic things created by us, so once we leave they will disappear as well. We also have normal items like Essences, Wafers, Healing Potions – those of course will be yours to keep. We hope you can stock up on some of those useful items while we are town.”
