09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】 Test Server Publish 9/4/07 3pm CDT, 20:00 GMT


Public Patch Notes

Bug fixes

*The bug that caused a client crash when speaking with Simizz has been fixed
*Kuud, the PI dwarf, will now direct players to BP storage correctly
*Numerous entries in the magic help pages have been updated to reflect current hp/mp/reagent costs. Tooltips to follow.


*New Knight T-Shirts tweaked. AC was reduced while damage reduction was increased. This was done to have the AC more on the same page of standard T-Shirts while preserving the intention of improved tankability.

Reinforced (AC 4 -> AC 2, Reduction 1 -> 2)
Fortified (AC 6 -> AC 4, Reduction 3 -> 4)

*Hand of the Reaper updated:

AC 1, 3mp regen, +20mp

*The LoA specific magic changes to the below spells have been reverted in order to make the spells more effective (note that the changes to alignment penalties were preserved). The resulting changes look like this:

Curse: Poison; decreased duration, increased effectiveness
Slow; increased effectiveness
Curse: Paralyze; increased effectiveness
Mana Drain; increased effectiveness
Darkness; increased effectiveness
Cancel Magic; increased effectiveness
Weakness; reduced hit penalty, reduced damage penalty, increased effectiveness
Disease; increased effectiveness
Silence; reduced duration to 16 seconds, increased effectiveness
Fog of Sleeping; increased effectiveness
Decay Potion; increased duration, increased effectiveness
Meteor Strike; increased effectiveness (damage)

*Increased duration of Greater Potion of Mana to match that of Greater Haste Potion
*Due to issues with Doom Lizard Pet, the Fiery Embryo spawns have been temporarily disabled. Spawns will be done manually as we continue to develop this new pet.

"Always keep your words soft and sweet in case you have to eat them"