09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】Live Server Publish 9.6.07 / 18:00 GMT ( 下有簡易翻譯)


All of the Lineage servers will be brought down at 18:00GMT today for weekly maintenance and a publish of new content.

Bug Fixes

  • The bug that caused a client crash when speaking with Simizz has been fixed
  • Kuud, the PI dwarf, will now direct players to BP storage correctly
  • Numerous entries in the magic help pages have been updated to reflect current hp/mp/reagent costs.
  • Spell tooltips have been updated to reflect the correct mp/hp/reagent cost


  • Hell disabled on the Depardieu server
  • Holy walk duration and mana cost increased
  • Drop rate of Spellbook “Destroy” increased on Grim Reaper
  • NPC blacksmith “Hector” will no longer discriminate against chaotic players
  • Drop rate of “Fiery Coal” increased on Svarog
  • "Fiery Coal" will no longer drop from lava golems
  • Double Exp Event Ends
  • Pumpkin Candy will be removed from the world

The LoA specific magic changes to the below spells have been reverted in order to make the spells more effective (note that the changes to alignment penalties were preserved). The resulting changes look like this:

  • Curse: Poison; decreased duration, increased effectiveness
  • Slow; increased effectiveness
  • Curse: Paralyze; increased effectiveness
  • Mana Drain; increased effectiveness
  • Darkness; increased effectiveness
  • Cancel Magic; increased effectiveness
  • Weakness; reduced hit penalty, reduced damage penalty, increased effectiveness
  • Disease; increased effectiveness
  • Silence; reduced duration to 16 seconds, increased effectiveness
  • Fog of Sleeping; increased effectiveness
  • Decay Potion; increased duration, increased effectiveness
  • Meteor Strike; increased damage


New Magic System implemented
Multiple spells that land on a single target within a short duration of time will yield diminishing returns. This affects PvP only.

Spell effects that could previously have their durations stacked will no longer do so. This includes, but may not be limited to:

  • Haste
  • Bravery
  • Wafer
  • Essence of Nobility
  • Wisdom
  • Holy Walk
  • Immune to Harm
  • Moving Acceleration

Added a new NPC, “Bag Girl”
Located near potion vendors or storage dwarves in key towns, this NPC offers the service of bagging up items that buff your character. The advantage to this includes a 70% reduction in weight as well as insurance that those items will not be dropped on death. She will bag 6 at a time, which can be retrieved later by double clicking the bag in your inventory.

Items bagged:

  • Haste potion
  • Brave potion
  • Elven Wafer
  • Essence of nobility
  • Potion of mana
  • Potion of wisdom

NPC locations:

  • Oren
  • Werldern
  • Aden City
  • Giran
  • Heine
  • Pirate Island
  • Resistance Village

Added new item, “Reinforced T-Shirt”

  • Knight Only
  • Crafted by Blacksmith Hector
  • 15 lumps of steel
  • T-Shirt
  • 20,000 Adena
  • 2ac (safe to +4), +5 hitpoints, damage absorption
  • Can be traded, dropped, destroyed

Added new item, “Fortified T-Shirt”

  • Knight Only
  • Crafted by Blacksmith Hector
  • 10 lumps of steel
  • Reinforced T-Shirt
  • 1 Fiery Coal
  • 20,000 Adena
  • 4ac (safe to +4), +15 hitpoints, greater damage absorption
  • Can be traded, dropped, destroyed
  • Requires level 45

Added new item, “Hand of the Reaper”

  • Dropped off of Grim Reaper
  • Mage and DarkElf Only
  • 1ac (no safe enchant), +1 wis, +20 mana points, 3mp regen
  • Can be traded, dropped, destroyed


  • Fiery Embryos will not be spawning as we work to correct issues with the Doom Lizard pet
  • The increased duration of Greater Mana Potions is still under review and will not be seen in this build.

所有後裔伺服器今天將減少在18:00GMT 為每週維護和新內容出版。


  • 導致客戶崩潰當講話與Simizz 的臭蟲被修理了
  • Kuud, PI 矮人, 正確地現在將指揮球員對BP 存貯
  • 眾多的詞條在魔術的幫助頁被更新反射當前的hp/mp/reagent 費用。
  • 咒語tooltips 被更新反射正確mp/hp/reagent 費用


  • 地獄失去能力在Depardieu 伺服器
  • 聖潔步行期間和mana 費用增加了
  • Spellbook 的下落率"毀壞" 增加在冷面收割機
  • NPC 鐵匠"Hector" 不再將歧視反對混亂球員
  • 下降"火熱的煤炭的" 率被增加在Svarog
  • "火熱的煤炭" 不再將滴下從熔岩golems
  • 雙重Exp 事件末端
  • 南瓜糖果從世界將被去除

對下面的LoA 具體魔術的變動拼寫被恢復為了做拼寫更加有效(筆記對對準線懲罰的變動被保存了) 。收效的變動看起來像這:

  • 詛咒: 毒物; 被減少的期間, 增加的有效率
  • 慢; 增加的有效率
  • 詛咒: 痲痺; 增加的有效率
  • Mana 流失; 增加的有效率
  • 黑暗; 增加的有效率
  • 取消魔術; 增加的有效率
  • 弱點; 被減少的命中懲罰, 被減少的損傷懲罰, 增加的有效率
  • 疾病; 增加的有效率
  • 沉默; 被減少的期間對16 秒, 增加的有效率
  • 霧睡覺; 增加的有效率
  • 朽爛魔藥; 增加的期間, 增加的有效率
  • 飛星罷工; 增加的損傷


倍數拼寫, 土地在一個唯一目標在時間的短期之內將產生報酬減少。這影響PvP 唯一。

拼寫能早先有他們的期間被堆積不再將做如此的作用。這包括, 但不可以被限制:

  • 匆碌
  • 勇敢
  • 薄酥餅
  • 貴族精華
  • 智慧
  • 聖潔步行
  • 免疫對害處
  • 移動的加速度

增加了新NPC, "袋子女孩"
位於在魔藥販賣者或存貯矮人附近關鍵鎮, 這NPC 提供服務請求拋光您的字符的項目。好處對這包括對重量的70% 減少並且保險, 那些項目不會投下在死亡。她將請求6 一次, 可能由雙以後檢索點擊袋子在您的存貨。


  • 匆碌魔藥
  • 勇敢的魔藥
  • Elven 薄酥餅
  • 貴族精華
  • mana 的魔藥
  • 智慧的魔藥

NPC 地點:
  • Oren
  • Werldern
  • 阿噸市
  • Giran
  • Heine
  • 海盜海島
  • 抵抗村莊

增加的新項目, "加強了T 襯衣"

  • 騎士唯一
  • 由Blacksmith ・Hector 製作
  • 鋼15 個團
  • T 襯衣
  • 20,000 Adena
  • 2.ac (安全對+4), +5 hitpoints, 損傷吸收
  • 能被換, 滴下, 毀壞

增加的新項目, "築了堡壘於T 襯衣"

  • 騎士唯一
  • 由Blacksmith ・Hector 製作
  • 鋼10 個團
  • 被加強的T 襯衣
  • 1 火熱的煤炭
  • 20,000 Adena
  • 4.ac (安全對+4), +15 hitpoints, 更加了不起的損傷吸收
  • 能被換, 滴下, 毀壞
  • 要求平實45

增加的新項目, "收割機的手"

  • 滴下冷面收割機
  • Mage 和DarkElf 唯一
  • 1ac (保險櫃不迷惑), +1 wis, +20 mana 點, 3mp regen
  • 能被換, 滴下, 毀壞


  • 火熱的胚胎不會產生如同我們服務改正問題與死命蜥蜴寵物
  • 更加偉大的Mana 魔藥的增加的期間仍然是在回顧中, 不會被看見在這修造。