09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】 Test Publish 8/28/07 20:00 GMT (測試伺服器更新)

The Public Test Server will be brought down today at 20:00 GMT for the publish of new content. Please see below for details.

  • Holy walk duration and mana cost increased (法師存神走不用那麼辛苦)
  • Drop rate of Spellbook “Destroy” increased on Grim Reaper( 鏈刀掉究光率增加)
  • NPC blacksmith “Hector” will no longer discriminate against chaotic players (紅人也可以去海克特製做東西)

  • Drop rate of “Fiery Coal” increased on Svarog( 增加掉燃燒煤炭的機率)


Added a new NPC, “Bag Girl” (增加了新NPC- 製造重物袋子的)

Located near potion vendors or storage dwarves in key towns, this NPC offers the service of bagging up items that buff your character. The advantage to this includes a 70% reduction of item weight as well as insurance that those items will not be dropped on death. She will bag 6 at a time, which can be retrieved later by double clicking the bag in your inventory. Bag items themselves do stack, as to not dominate the slots in your backpack.

Items bagged: (袋子內 能放的物品ˋ有 下列物品)

  • Haste potion
  • Brave potion
  • Elven Wafer
  • Essence of nobility
  • Potion of mana
  • Potion of wisdom

NPC locations: (能製作的 NPC 地點 )
  • Oren
  • Werldern
  • Aden City
  • Giran
  • Heine
  • Pirate Island
  • Resistance Village

Added new NPC, “Fiery Embryo” (增加的新寵物, "火熱的胚胎" )

An infrequent spawn within the lair of Valakas, this creature can be tamed by the usual means using item “Fiery Coal” as the taming food.

(寵物在Valakas 出現, 得用"燃燒煤炭 才能馴服,要使用"火熱的煤炭" 作為馴服的食物。)


  • Once tamed, the embryo becomes an “Inferno” (salamander) 一旦馴服, 胚胎成為"地域" (蠑)

  • Once evolved, the "Inferno" becomes a “Doom Lizard” (lesser dragon)

                   進化之後, "地域" 變成"死命蜥蜴" (少許龍)

秋大大: 好像是幼龍的樣子...哇...帶幼龍街頭爆走!!!

"Doom Lizard" Abilities include: (此品種 寵物的能力 )
  • Slow
  • Disease
  • Dragon breath AoE attack
  • Cancel Magic

Charisma required for taming:  (各職業要抓它的魅力限制)
  • Elf: 8
  • Mage: 14
  • Royal: 14
  • Dark Elf: 14
  • Knight: 20

Added new item, “Reinforced T-Shirt”  增加的新項目, "加強了T 襯衣"

Crafted by Blacksmith Hector
  • Knight Only  (騎士專用.....)
  • 15 lumps of steel
  • T-Shirt
  • 20,000 Adena
  • 4ac (safe to +4), +5 hitpoints (health), minor damage absorption
  • Can be traded, dropped, destroyed

Added new item, “Fortified T-Shirt” 增加的新項目, "築了堡壘於T 襯衣"

Crafted by Blacksmith Hector
  • Knight Only  (也是騎士專用...)
  • 10 lumps of steel
  • Reinforced T-Shirt
  • 1 Fiery Coal  (需要燃燒的煤炭才能製作喔)
  • 20,000 Adena
  • 6ac (safe to +4), +15 hitpoints (health), greater damage absorption
  • Can be traded, dropped, destroyed
  • Requires level 45 or higher(限制等級45)

Added new glove item, “Hand of the Reaper”  增加的新手套

Dropped off of Grim Reaper
  • Mage and DarkElf Only  (法師和 黑妖 專用 )
  • 1ac (no safe enchant), +1 wis, +5 mana points
  • Can be traded, dropped, destroyed