09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】The Illusion Event 8/15


Hope everyone liked the Polymorph Event! We have another event lined up for you, one which we haven't done in awhile: The Illusion Event. It will commence on August 15 after the usual maintenance period is over.


If you don't remember what the Illusion Event was like, or maybe you weren't around, here are the details:

The Illusionist NPC Illusina will appear in various towns throughout mainland Aden: Aden City, Elven Village, Giran, Gludin, Heine, Kent, Orctown, Oren, Pirate Island, Resistance Village, Silver Knight Town, Werldern, and Woodbec. Illusina will sell the following 'illusionary' items for a modest price:
  • Armor of Illusion
  • Bow of Illusion
  • Sword of Illusion
  • Claw of Illusion
  • Shield of Illusion
  • Scroll of Enchant Armor Illusion
  • Scroll of Enchant Weapon Illusion
  • Seal of Physical Ability
  • Seal of Mental Ability
  • Seal of Harmony.
Illusionary armor and weapons will disappear after five real-life hours or upon restart, cannot be stored, but can be enchanted (illusionary scrolls recommended), traded, dropped, deleted, and sold in Personal Shops; time stamps indicating purchase time (in PDT) will be appended to item names, visible on mouse-over. Illusionary scrolls can only be used to enchant illusionary armor and weapons, and can be stored, traded, dropped, deleted, and sold in Personal Shops; Armor of Illusion, Bow of Illusion, and Sword of Illusion have no safe enchant limit -- players run the risk of blowing up these items with the first attempt at enchanting. Additionally, treasure chests (Illusina? Booty) will spawn randomly throughout mainland Aden, containing a variety of items when opened, including three special event 'seals': Seal of Harmony, Seal of Mental Ability, and Seal of Physical Ability.
Remember these goodies will be removed once the event is over.

Here are some additional details:

Candy Transmuter

Next to each instance of Illusina will be a 'Candy Transmuter'. This NPC can convert last year's pumpkin candy to the items they represent. For example, candy that healed you will be changed to a healing potion. Candy braves will turn into brave potions. There is no charge for this service. If you do not choose to make use of this, we suggest you start eating. We will be removing all leftover candy on the day the 2x exp event ends (September 5).


Firewall will be re-enabled with this publish. It will be a PvM only spell, as it will do no damage to other players or their pets (in both normal zones and combat zones).