09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】最新改版內部測試消息進度 Where are we now?


官方 放出一些 內部測試的 截圖 (提卡爾神廟+屠龍[地龍]的章節)

大約一個月以前, Nyx 有公佈大致上的未來 計畫進度...

目前進度上Mac 電腦的熱鍵問題 和 Windows 64位修補程序 已經能夠得到改善 ! 沒意外的話 ~

可能將在下週一 套用在測試伺服器 上拉 !

回憶蠟燭 商成販賣 預計 10月 能有詳細的 資料。

老玩家的獎勵計畫,需要長的時間來琢磨拉 ! 短時間內還未有進度。

10月份將有 很棒的 萬聖節 活動 ! (秋大大os:多棒?又來搞神秘這一套 =.= )

在老手玩家的獎勵 計畫之前,希望能透順利推出 提卡爾神廟+屠龍者[地龍] 章節 !

About a month ago, I posted What's Next?

I thought a status update was in order  I have good news to share!

Happening Right Now

  • We have received 2 fixes of great importance from Korea. The Mac hotkey/options fix and the Windows 64-bit fix. Players will no longer have to download any files from other websites to fix either of these issues. QA and the hardware lab are working to verify these fixes. As soon as they sign off, we will move them both to PTS (possibly Monday). /happy dance!
  • The Tikal/Antharas update is running on internal test. The content is in good shape but we do not have a PTS date yet. We still have some crash issues related to new maps and monsters that need to be addressed before we can set a date. Teaser screenshots (more to come!)
Work in Progress
  • Stat candles - due to the length of time it is taking to make them available through our website, we are looking into options for making them available in other ways. Expect to see details in October.
  • Veteran Rewards - We have a concrete plan in mind, and it is going through our approval process. We have the game aspects ready, but we need approval from the powers that be to move forward. As a disclaimer, do not expect to see these next week or even next month. Even after approved, implementation will take time. We hope to have more details for you by the end of the year. I know that sounds like a long way off, but I want to give a conservative estimate. It is moving forward, albeit slowly.
  • Reactivations of old accounts - in process. We hope to be able to reactivate all old accounts coinciding with the release of the Tikal/Antharas update.
  • Halloween! We are working with Korea to bring you a really good event! Not saying any more, you will have to wait until October when I start giving hints!
On Hold
  • US Ruleset changes - Minor changes may be made, but major overhauls are on hold so that Jetzen and QA can focus on the next update.