09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】伺服器維修消息+測試伺服器改版3章 Server Maintenance - 7/28 - 10am Central / 3pm GMT


伺服器這次維修提早+延長 ! 一共6個小時喔.......(台灣時間28號晚上11點~29號凌晨5點)

 3章內容 將 置入 測試伺服器,歡迎大家前往測試.......

使用 Mac系統的電腦用戶們,真拍謝拉~錯誤還是持續有低,不過韓國方面保證未來2個禮拜內


維修候正式伺服器更新 :


2.妙妙村商人降低更換物品的羽毛需求量 。

啥?  你不知道妙妙村在哪 ?  打到一根神秘羽毛 點2下 ~就飛到 妙妙村內拉 !

聽說換取 袋鼠 or 團團圓圓 只需要 500個羽毛耶 !

 ( 登出 或是離開遊戲 都會 離開 妙妙村喔 )

Hiya Lineage Players!

All Lineage servers will be brought down tomorrow, Wednesday, July 28th at 8am Pacific / 10am Central / 11am Eastern / 3pm GMT for our regularly scheduled weekly maintenance. Estimated downtime is approximately 6 hours.

Please note that this week's maintenance is both early and extended.

We will be making some upgrades to the servers that are required in order to release Season 3, Episode 1. After this upgrade, new content can be applied to PTS on Thursday.

Known Issue
We originally thought that players would see no effects from this upgrade and only behind-the-scenes changes would be made. Unfortunately, we do at this time still have one known issue that you will see if you play on a Mac.

  • Hot keys and game options are not being saved for Mac users only.
We know this is a bug that we have seen before. It was with us during testing of Episode U in February.

We know this is an extremely important issue for Mac users. Korea has stated that they feel confident they can provide a fix for the issue in the next 2 weeks.

The reason we are moving forward now is to stay on schedule with new content. We had already moved the date of this upgrade once, and other projects are already scheduled on the calendar for various upgrades and maintenance in the coming weeks. Putting off this upgrade would mean that Season 3 could not go to PTS on Thursday and we would not have the opportunity to reschedule until September.

Since Korea has assured us that a fix will be available in the next 2 weeks, we decided to push forward to get the new content onto PTS. In the past, delays such as this one have stretched out, new content was put off, and we do not want to get into that cycle again.

We feel very strongly that although it is an inconvenience now, the reward of getting new content sooner offsets the annoyance this produces right now.

Content Update
The following US Ruleset changes will be made:

1) The drop rate of Sacred Wing Feathers has increased.

2) The prices charged by the Suspicious Merchant vendors have been lowered.

As you take a breather, you admire your newly mended armor. Maybe not the best job you've ever seen, but definitely an improvement. You must have dozed off and not in the best location, since you wake up to a Lava Golem taking swings at you. Surprisingly, his hits don't hurt nearly as much as they normally do...