09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】三章內部測試 截圖 Season 3 Screenshots!


美版天堂-內部測試 的截圖 !

新的職業 (3章的燈場,我們人物會多2個位置拉 ),和底比斯的部分 !

更多內部測試消息,會在陸續 po出來 給大家知道 !

不過...別問哪時候 可以開始測試伺服器測試 ? 哪時候會正式改版 ?

還沒確定的日期 ! ^^


These are the first in a series of screenshots I will be posting to give everyone a sneak peak at some of the new cool stuff we have on the internal test server. We have *most* of the major issues worked out, but we don't have a firm date for PTS yet. We do already have both a Mac and a PC client, so we won't have the problem we did last time with Mac users missing the first part of testing.

I have a few screenshots now of the 3 main things that are fun to look at - Dragon Knight, Illusionist, and the new Thebes Desert Map. I'll be taking more screenshots of each of these and putting them up as albums on Facebook over the next week or so.

These are the creation screens for both a male and female Dragon Knight.

This is the entrance to the new Dragon Knight Area from the outside - its between the two gates for Iron Gate Guild (Dwarf Cave).

More pictures to come of the inside!
These are the creation screens for Illusionist.

And the outside of the Illusionist area - its between Ivory Tower and Land of the Abandoned in Oren.

And the new Thebes Desert Map - I liked this one because the monsters look cool

This is the inner chamber of the dungeon in Thebes where the bosses spawn.

More to come!!