09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】伺服器維修+更新項目 Server Maintenance - 7/7 - 1pm CST / 6pm GMT



還沒打開 3種顏色盒子的請在維修前都要打開喔.....

自由斗篷可在使用一個禮拜 !



Potion of Mana           藍色藥水
Potion of Wisdom         慎重藥水
Potion of Bravery        勇敢藥水
Scroll of Polymorph      變形卷軸
Essense of Nobility      貴族精油 (nc公司 你的 英文拼錯了耶  -_-;)
Royal Nectar             王族神酒
Thor's Hammer            雷神之鎚
Paagrio's Hatred         帕格里奧之怒
Orcish Bume Smache       歐西斯破碎之鎚
Maphr's Pestilence       馬普勒的瘟疫
Maphr's Strife           馬普勒之爭
Eva's Scorn              伊娃的責罵
Maphr's Retribution      馬普勒的懲罰
Stone of Maphr           馬普勒石頭
Paagrio's Ash            帕格里奧灰燼
Eva's Gift               伊娃禮物
Sayha's Plume            沙哈羽毛
Greater Potion of Mana   強化藍色藥水
Cougar's Soul            黑豹的靈魂
Iris' Soul               艾莉絲的靈魂
Great Minotaur's Soul    巨大牛人的靈魂
Drake's Soul             飛龍的靈魂
Demon's Soul             惡魔的靈魂

2.等級50級以下,經驗加倍。(此措施是為了吸引新手玩家的加入,和未來3章新人物的出現 )

3.更變一些文字 。

Hiya Lineage Players!

All Lineage servers will be brought down tomorrow, Wednesday, July 7th at 11am PST / 1pm CST / 2pm EST / 6pm GMT for our regularly scheduled weekly maintenance. Estimated downtime is approximately 2 hours.

This will conclude our 4th of July event. Please turn in all apples, branches, and precious metals to receive your rewards. Also, please open any red, white, or blue containers. The items inside them are yours to keep but Ent parts, metals, and containers will be removed during maintenance. The cloaks are yours to enjoy for another week!

Content Changes
The following changes have been made to the US Ruleset:

1)Aden Chamber of Commerce Merchants (in the trading zones) will now purchase additional items including:

  • Potion of Mana
  • Potion of Wisdom
  • Potion of Bravery
  • Scroll of Polymorph
  • Essense of Nobility
  • Royal Nectar
  • Thor's Hammer
  • Paagrio's Hatred
  • Orcish Bume Smache
  • Maphr's Pestilence
  • Maphr's Strife
  • Eva's Scorn
  • Maphr's Retribution
  • Stone of Maphr
  • Paagrio's Ash
  • Eva's Gift
  • Sayha's Plume
  • Greater Potion of Mana
  • Cougar's Soul
  • Iris' Soul
  • Great Minotaur's Soul
  • Drake's Soul
  • Demon's Soul
2) Double XP has been permanently enabled for characters below level 50.

3) Some minor text changes have been made to improve user interface experience.

You intend to have some words with that tailor you saw a few months ago. He seemed to do an excellent job at the time, but now you are noticing some fairly large holes in your armor that will need to be mended again. Luckily, as you fight alongside your pledgemates at the castle siege, its not as big of a hindrance as you thought it might be. Your opponents are dismayed that you are resisting all their attempts to cancel you.