09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】伺服器維修消息 Server Maintenance - 6/30 - 1pm CST / 6pm GMT


伺服器 維修 2個小時。
維修候 活動開始.....活動內容請看這 ↓
花季活動的 物品 也隨著維修候 刪除 !
測試伺服器 維修候內容 在這 ↓
以下清單的東西 可以賣給商店街的胖胖亞丁商人 !
Potion of Mana           藍色藥水
Potion of Wisdom         慎重藥水
Potion of Bravery        勇敢藥水
Scroll of Polymorph      變形卷軸
Essense of Nobility      貴族精油(英文拼錯-_-;)
Royal Nectar             王族神酒
Thor's Hammer            雷神之鎚
Paagrio's Hatred         帕格里奧之怒
Orcish Bume Smache       歐西斯破碎之鎚
Maphr's Pestilence       馬普勒的瘟疫
Maphr's Strife           馬普勒之爭
Eva's Scorn              伊娃的責罵
Maphr's Retribution      馬普勒的懲罰
Stone of Maphr           馬普勒石頭
Paagrio's Ash            帕格里奧灰燼
Eva's Gift               伊娃禮物
Sayha's Plume            沙哈羽毛
Greater Potion of Mana   強化藍色藥水
Cougar's Soul            黑豹的靈魂
Iris' Soul               艾莉絲的靈魂
Great Minotaur's Soul    巨大牛人的靈魂
Drake's Soul             飛龍的靈魂
Demon's Soul             惡魔的靈魂
人物未達50級的雙倍經驗 !  文字檔部分修改 .....
下週 將放出 3章的內部測試 截圖 !
阿哈....看到這 知道這代表啥咪 嗎?
測試伺服器 即將洗白 +3章 即將登場 給大家測試 了吧 !
Hiya Lineage Players!

All Lineage servers will be brought down tomorrow, Wednesday, June 30th at 11am PST / 1pm CST / 2pm EST / 6pm GMT for our regularly scheduled weekly maintenance. Estimated downtime is approximately 2 hours.

During maintenance, the remaining Festival of Flowers event items will be removed (soups and amulets).

When the servers come back up, we will begin our 4th of July Event - The Dwarfs Fight for Freedom!

PTS Update
Adjustments to the US Ruleset will be made. See here for details.

As you head out to Fire Valley you notice your pack has gotten heavier. You open it to find lots of tree bark, some branches and a few apples. Where did those come from?