09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】伺服器維修+更新 消息 Server Maintenance - 3/10 - 1pm CST / 7pm GMT


伺服器的例行維修 !


  • 毒蛇之牙披肩任務,已修復‧
  • 各村莊競技場已修復~以便換取驚喜箱‧
  • 部分地區還有人物重疊彈開的問題,陸續幾週內修復‧ 
  • 聯盟系統已修復.

Hiya Lineage Players!

All Lineage servers will be brought down tomorrow, Wednesday, March 10th at 11am PST / 1pm CST / 2pm EST / 7pm GMT for our regularly scheduled weekly maintenance. Estimated downtime is approximately 2 hours.

Content Changes

  • NPC Tion has been fixed to allow completion of the Poison Serpent quest.
  • NPC Medal Reward Manager has been fixed to allow exchange of Pet Match Medals for Surprise Boxes.
  • The broken cells in Fire Valley that remained after last weeks fix are now fixed as well.
  • Alliance System Help menu has been updated.

A rogue knight swoops down upon you, catching you off guard. You are able to resist his first attempt to stun you and you immediately begin to cast Sunburst to defend yourself. For some reason, Sunburst seems to do less damage, but you find that you can cast it repeatedly it achieve the same effect.