09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】2010/02/24 正式改版 Coming Soon - Live Update 2/24/2010



2010/02/24 將再伺服器維修時間~正式更新改版 !


目前並沒有開放商城或是其他方法獲得回憶蠟燭~請妥善使用你的回憶蠟燭 !

相關更新內容請點這 →Here

重智內容請點這 → Here

假如需要安裝主程式 DVD  請來信 這 →  mailto:[email protected]

要付上你的姓名+地址+和你使用的是啥咪作業系統 。(秋大心中OS: 不知道 他們願不願意寄到台灣阿?)

Episode U is now complete! We will be updating the live servers on February 24, 2010 during normal weekly maintenance. This patch brings us new content as well as the Base Stat Renewal!
  • Each character will receive two (2) Candles of Reminiscence. Additional candles are not currently available for sale, so use your candles wisely!!
  • A guide to Base Stat Renewal is available here.
  • Complete Patch Notes are available here.
  • We are still working on some bugs in the new content. If there are things that do not get fixed before 2/24, a list of Known Issues will be posted the day of the patch. We are still committed to fixing more bugs, but we do not wish to delay the patch any longer. In an ideal world, the patch would be flawless. In reality, since none of the remaining bugs are game-breaking, we want to release the patch to you now instead of continuing to make you wait.
  • As we have done in the past, you may request a burned DVD copy of the installer if you need one. You may request these by emailing [email protected]. Be sure to include your full name, address, and whether you use Mac or PC client. These DVD copies must be hand-created by us so expect up to 1- 2 weeks turnaround for us to get them to you. Downloading it will be much more efficient for most users. This is really just designed for people who can't download due to dial-ups speeds etc.