09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】天堂官方網站的更新 Changes to Lineage Website!



天堂官方網站做了一些新的更新 ! 未來幾個月內~將陸續更新+變化 !
未來............將加入更多圖片和更新.... ...
下面我們也連接了一個直接通往官方論壇的圖片 ! 可以看到最新的消息+更新  !
秋大大os :簡單的說~就是...未來幾個月會陸續改版更新拉 !
We have made some updates to the Lineage homepage! In the coming months we plan to make even more changes, and to continue updating the website, but we wanted you to see what we have done so far.

We have added a rotating image. Currently, it links to patch notes and a guide to base stat renewal. We will add more images and links in the future! This image is where the old forums button was.

We have added a new button at the bottom that now links to the forums.

We will continue to update the website along with our new content!


If you don't see the changes, your browser may been storing the older version. Refresh until you see the new images