09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】Thursday Server Update - 12/18 伺服器 臨時的維修更新


總算 修正 關於 寵物and 召喚 物品 消失的 問題......

以下 是官方 發出的 修正 消息 ↓

Greetings folks! We will be taking the servers down at 5:00pm CST / 6pm EST / 11pm GMT for a hotfix to address the summons and pet looting issue.

Downtime is expected to be minimal and we apologize for the short notice.

Extra loot that you earn from mops will now fall to the ground instead of being destroyed by your pets and summons.

Thank you!