09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】Winter Events! 冬季慶典活動



The snow is falling and winter has arrived in Aden. We will be having two events to celebrate the holiday season!

The first event will take place from December 17th until January 7th 2009! All Lineage players will enjoy double drop rates during this time! In addition to the bonus drop rates, players will also have access to high level polymorphs! Polymorphs will begin unlocking on December 24th and all of them will be unlocked on January 5th!

Our second event will take place from January 28th through February 4th. More details will come on this winter festival at a later date, so mark your calendars ahead of time!


12/17/2008 - 1/7/2009    物品.金幣 掉落率*2倍

12/24/2008 -1/5/2009     開放高等的變身


預計1/28/2009 - 2/4/2009  但是還沒確定內容 (預告篇 盡情 期待的意思拉 賣關子咩)