09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】Halloween and More! 萬聖節活動和11月份事件

為慶祝萬聖節,本週末 將有 雙倍經驗直活動!!!
除此之外 11月份 也會有你不可錯過的 大事件喔!!!事件內容將在之後 公佈!!!盡請期待喲.......
秋大大心中OS:阿勒....GM 也會 賣關子!!!!!
Greetings Lineage players! In celebration of Halloween, we will be having a weekend of double experience! Starting on Friday the 31st and lasting through Sunday the 2nd, all Lineage players on all servers will earn experience at double the current rate.

In addition to our Halloween double-experience weekend, we will also be having a great Fall event this November! We will be providing you more details on this event in the coming week. It will be an event you certainly don't want to miss!