09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂】Server Update - October 22nd

要進行改版囉!!!伺服器將關閉維修 預計............... 5個小時~
因為 更新 項目很多..........1.8G的更新夠大唄
最好的方式 官網 下載主程式吧!!!!!(到時 官網會放出 最新主程式)
安裝方式 請"確實"移除舊的主程式 並刪除 天堂資料夾.....再安裝新的主程式囉!!!!
秋大心中os:登入器 完全變更唄~不知道 到時會怎樣!?拭目以待囉!!!
Greetings all Lineage players!

All servers including PTS will be brought down on Wednesday, October 22nd for the release of Episode 6 and Episode U. The servers will be brought down at 1pm CDT / 6pm GMT and the estimated downtime is 5 hours.

In order to update your game client, during this time you will need to completely uninstall Lineage from your computer. Old game installs will no longer work starting tomorrow evening so please remove these.

In order to uninstall Lineage (PC), you may go to your Control Panel and select "Add or Remove Programs". Select Lineage and click on "Remove" to uninstall the game from your computer. The download tomorrow will be approximately 1.8 gigs in size and will be a complete install of Episode 6.

Thank you!