09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】Server Maintenance 11/21(虎男和高麗狗 出現)


All Lineage servers will be going offline at 1PM CST (7PM GMT) Wednesday, November 21, for maintenance. Several changes will be made, and will be applied to the PTS at 2PM CST (8PM GMT) Tuesday, November 20.


Here are the patch notes:

  • Balance adjustments made to tameable pet stats, attacks, and spells.
    • These changes reflect the pet updates implemented by NCK between the publish of Episodes 5 and 6. They include an overall boost to pet melee attacks, an overall boost to high pets over their un-evolved counter-parts, and a decrease to the effectiveness of Rabbit and High Rabbit magical attacks.
  • Enabled the spawning of Jindo Dog and Tiger NPCs
    • The taming food is Floating Eye meat.
    • Both of these creatures appear very difficult to tame, even moreso than the raccoon. I look forward to player feedback about the tameability of these guys.
    • The Tiger has been seen roaming around the second half of Pirate Island, sometimes chasing the Jindo Dog. The Jindo Dog has also been seen on Talking Island and mainland Aden.

所有後裔伺服器努力去做離線在1PM CST (7PM 格林維志時間) 星期三, 11月21 日, 為維護。幾變動將做, 和將適用於PTS 在2PM CST (8PM 格林維志時間) 星期二, 11月20 日。



  • 平衡調整做對tameable 寵物stats, 攻擊, 和拼寫。
    • 這些變動反射寵物更新由NCK 實施在出版情節之間5 和6 。他們包括一個整體助力寵愛混戰攻擊、一個整體助力對高的寵物他們的聯合國演變的相對物, 和減退對兔子和高的兔子魔術的攻擊的有效率。
  • 使能產生Jindo 狗和老虎NPCs
    • 馴服的食物漂浮眼睛肉。
    • 這兩個生物看上去非常難馴服, 甚而moreso 比浣熊。我盼望球員反饋關於這些人的tameability 。
    • 老虎是看的漫遊在第二個一半海盜海島附近, 有時追逐Jindo 狗。Jindo 狗也被看見了在談的海島和大陸阿噸。