09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂新聞】Upcoming Event Schedule(8月活動有翻譯喔)



消息來源: Liveage one

I figured I'd challenge the jinx fairy and share with you my plans for the next few weeks.

August 1st - August 8th :: Polymorph Event
A week of unlocked polymorphs for you lowbie solo'ers with a hankerin' to hurt.

8/1~8/8  變身活動喔 (能變死騎....之類的)

August 15th - August 22nd :: Illusion Event
A week of cheap illusionary scrolls and cheap illusionary items to use them on. It's been awhile since we've done this one.

8/15~8/22  幻象武器防具方面的活動(衝衝樂)

August 29th - September 5th :: Double EXP Event
Last time it came at the last minute and only lasted a weekend. This time you have a month to kill and a week to partake.

8/29~9/5  經驗值加倍活動 (同一年度被我遇到2次~神阿!!!)
