【美版天堂新聞】Double XP Weekend2007042600:01 Trying to figure out what to do this weekend? We have a nice treat for you: the Double XP Event, which starts Friday, April 27 at 10AM CDT and ends Monday, April 30 at 10AM CDT. XP will be doubled for the full length of the event, so have fun! 相關文章 【深秋の-美版天堂血盟日誌】2006/06/06 善意的謊言(白濫妖篇) 【深秋の-美版天堂血盟日誌】2006/05/28 品質測試 篇 【深秋の-美版天堂血盟日誌】2006/05/26 豬豬法"賣叔叔"篇 【深秋の-美版天堂血盟日誌】2006/05/23 猛騎小山=看到黑影就開槍[台語發音]篇 【美版天堂】海賊島任務總整理 2.40 版本 我要留言 【影音檔案】加油金順 【影音檔案】蜘蛛人III 5/01 上映囉!!!