09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂活動】萬聖節活動 Halloween Event



WiKia's Lineage @ Ken Rauhel 維基亞資訊站


這次活動內容以趣味性為主, 並無之前寶物滿天飛的情形, 但也有不錯的回饋, 而且大家皆可以輕鬆獲得, 除寶物之外另開放各種變身和地獄之門, 既然是鬼節當然要惡搞一下辣 ~ 呵呵, 如果你幸運得到 "邪惡南瓜" 還會有意想不到的驚喜唷 @@ 希望各位都能玩得盡興, 敬請期待 ︿︿

活動時間 (台灣):

十月二十九日 (四) 凌晨 2 時維修後開始

十一月五日 (四) 凌晨 3 時維修後結束

活動內容 (此為測試服資料) :

奇岩 ~ 奇岩, 每次活動都是在奇岩開始 La, 新增兩位活動 NPC, 左邊有邪惡翅膀影子的那位可以幫你變裝參加化妝晚會 @@ 就是活動變身辣, 右邊那個稻草人勒可以讓你兌換獎品 (南瓜種子) 還可以傳送你到鬼屋 (地獄) 不是我們家的 Sandvik 呵呵 (冷), 裡面有各種嫩怪都會掉種子喔, 在渾沌地監內 (地獄) 還有另外一個 NPC 可以幫你傳送回村和兌換 "邪惡南瓜" (惡搞用 ㄎㄎ)

細項說明 (K 為非 PK 服):

  1. 全天堂怪物都機率掉落南瓜種子 (包括洞穴, 地監, 島嶼, 樓塔, 海底)
  2. 南瓜種子不能丟棄不能轉移可以刪除
  3. 種子掉落率並不高, 2 小時大約 100 顆左右 (以測試服 5 倍掉寶率計算)
  4. 活動變身各速度皆為最高級單位, 並可使用武器, 不過遠攻不可拿近身武器, 近戰不可拿遠攻武器 (廢話 = =) 如果想換變身, 直接和 NPC 對話轉換即可, 不用回復無變身, 所有變身都是免費
  5. "邪惡南瓜" 可以在村內和 NPC 以 10 顆種子兌換並免費傳你至渾沌地監, 或是用 3 顆種子先傳送進去地監後再用 10 顆種子和裡面的 NPC 兌換
  6. "邪惡南瓜" 可以丟棄轉移刪除, 但只能在渾沌地監 (地獄) 內使用, 打開後會隨機出現 BOSS 一隻 (所有 BOSS 皆有機會出現, 包括四龍, 真的咩 @@?)
  7. "邪惡南瓜" 開出來的 BOSS 其掉寶率並無調整, 即為和本尊一樣, 以純娛樂為目的 (正服實裝未確定是否調整) 自己保重 @@
  8. 渾沌地監 (地獄) 內不可使用祝順, 回捲, 復活 (不確定), 可以瞬移, 重登後回奇岩村
  9. 渾沌地監 (地獄) 內怪物 (都是嫩怪) 皆會掉落種子和該怪物預設掉落物
  10. 獎勵物品 (除兩種耳環外) 皆為不可轉移
  11. 所有獎勵物品皆為永久保留 (邪惡南瓜我嗯災辣, 不過你留著幹啥咪)
  12. 有其他更新或是遺漏資訊將在及時補充
  13. 目前測試服掉寶率改為和正服一樣 (10/24)
  14. 耳環改為不可轉移 (自己做ㄅ) (10/24)
  15. 邪惡南瓜可以交易或在個人商店販賣 (10/24)
  16. 此次活動以英語用戶端為主軸做設計, 如果使用韓版或中文版進行遊戲將會無法正確顯示內容, NC 將不會針對文字檔進行修正 (大家用純英文版學英文一週ㄅ) (10/24)
  17. 全天堂怪物掉落種子的機率皆相同 (10/24)
  18. 耳環在活動後可以存放倉庫與同帳號其他角色共享 (我知道, 那盟倉呢? 此項待確認) (10/24)

Lineage – " Cavern of Chaos" Costume Party

The Lineage team is hosting the in-game party of all parties this Halloween – costumes not required, but highly encouraged! In addition to free polymorph "costumes," most monsters will drop pumpkin seed, which is redeemable for prizes like a Pinewand to spawn monsters of choice, accessories, and Stat t-shirts from NPCs. No tricks about it, as an added bonus, players will be treated to increased item drops from Bosses. See you at the "Cavern of Chaos!"
From Kotaku.Com

Event Time:

Starts at Wednesday, Oct.28 2 PM CDT after Server Maintenance
Ends at Wednesday, Nov.4 2PM CDT after Server Maintenance

Evnt Details:

  1. All monsters throughout the world drops seeds, Including Caves, Islands, Towers and underwater.
  2. Pumpkin Seed are not transferable but can be deleted.
  3. The drop rate for Seeds is not high as expected, According to T server drop rate (5X), Around 50 seeds per hour could be collected.
  4. All Event Polymorph (Costumes) are free to use and are all highest level on its speed or abilities.
  5. "Chaotic Pumpkin" can be obtained by 10 seeds from NPC in the Chaos Cave (Need 3 seeds to get in) or by 10 seeds from NPC at Giran (And it will gives you 1 free tele into the Cave.)
  6. "Chaotic Pumpkin" can be opened ONLY in the Cave, And it summons a random BOSS once used.
  7. The Boss summoned by Chaotic Pumpkin has the same drop rate of loots as the normal Boss. (Not sure if NC will modify it when the event comes to live)
  8. You cannot use BTeles, Escape, or Res (Not sure) inside the Chaos Cave, But you can use random tele or Restart (Back to Giran)
  9. All monsters inside the Cave (Noob Mops) has the chance to drop seeds and loots of its own default setting.
  10. All reward items are not transferable except 2 types of earrings.
  11. All reward items (Doublet and Earrings) are permanent.
  12. Any other information or changes will be updated upon notified.
  13. Now the drop rate of Test Server is the same as Live Servers. (10/23)
  14. Event Earring (Both types) are now non transferable. (10/23)
  15. The Chaotic Pumpkin is transferable and can be selling in Shop Mode. (10/23)
  16. This event was designed around the English client. If you are using a Korean or Chinese client, you may encounter broken text or NPCs which NC will not be fixing. (10/23)
  17. All monsters has the same drop rate of Seeds. (10/23)
  18. Earrings can be store and share between Characters in the same account after the Event. (How about BP Storage? This one is pending upon clear.) (10/23)