09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂】如何使用Vista 玩美版天堂


首先 恭喜 蔥仔 總算 換掉 殘破不堪 的 舊電腦 換上 新主機囉!!!


以下 使用方式 出自 官網 內容 ,附上 大致翻譯




Although we do not officially support running Lineage on Windows Vista, we have found the following may help resolve an inability to start the game:

1. Click Start and then open Control Panel.   點選 螢幕左下角 的開始 →點選控制台

2. In the Control Panel, click User Accounts and Family Safety.  進入控制台後 → 點選 使用者帳戶和家庭安全

3. Click User Accounts.  點選 使用者 帳戶

4. Click Turn User Account Control on or off. 點選 開啟或關閉使用者帳戶控制

5. Clear the tick or check mark on the box beside the Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer option. 使用[使用者帳戶控制(UAC)]來協助保護您的電腦 ,' 這選項的打勾 地方取消掉

6.Click OK. 按確定

When prompted, restart the computer. Note that the changes will affect all users on the computer. This will disable UAC on all accounts on the PC.  You can re-enable it by rechecking the box.

Also, you must make a change to the game’s start-up shortcut.  Please do the following:

1. Right click on the Lineage shortcut, choose Properties and click on the Compatibility tab.
2. Under Compatibility mode, check the box for Run this program in compatibility mode for: and make sure that Windows XP (Service Pack 2) is selected.
3. Under Privilege Level, put a check in the box for Run this program as an administrator, and click on the Show settings for all users button.
4. In this new window, select the checkbox for Run this program in compatibility mode for: and make sure that Windows XP (Service Pack 2) is selected.

5. Under Privilege Level, put a check box in Run this program as an administrator.
6. Click on the OK button.
7. At this point, you'll need to navigate to your Lineage directory. Typically, this is C:\Program Files\NCsoft\Lineage.
8. Right click on the Lineage.exe file, select Properties, click on the Security tab, and click the Edit button.
9.  In the Group or user names: section, find the group labeled Users and select it.
10. Under the Permissions for Users section, check the Allow box next to Full control.
12. Hit OK.


簡要 說明 :

點選 天堂 捷徑 →按 滑鼠右鍵 點選 內容 →點選 相容性 → 將 以相容性模式 執行這個程式 這個選項 打勾 然後 選  windos xp sp2  → 按 確定  。

If you are still having issues after trying all of the above steps outlined, please contact Technical Support using the Ask a Question  feature.

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