09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂 新聞】01/12 伺服器 維修公告 Server Maintenance - 1/12 - 1pm CST / 6pm GMT



維修時間: 台灣01/13 凌晨3~5點



提高虎南和高麗幼犬的出生率 ,讓大家可以去馴養

測試伺服器將在維修後 歡迎大家 前往測試 安塔瑞斯強度 ! gm會現場發放 龍之鑰 給玩家 測試 。

深秋的討論區論壇正式開張囉 ! 歡迎前往+入我們 ^^

這是一個開放的空間,提供給大家交流討論 !

而不是只有和深秋一對一的 問答囉 !
http://www.uslineage.com/  (簡單+好記)

也請大家告訴大家 ! 謝謝~

ps:購買cd-key,月卡 還是得到 部落格 ^^

Hiya Lineage Players!

All Lineage servers will be brought down tomorrow, Wednesday, January 12th at 11am Pacific / 1pm Central / 2pm Eastern / 7pm GMT for our regularly scheduled weekly maintenance. Estimated downtime is approximately 2 hours.

Content Changes

Double exp, no level cap
Party Exp Bonus added - Any party of 2 or more people will receive and additional 75% exp.
Area of Silence Spell - Success rate decreased.

PTS Update
See Jetzen's post about what is changing.

We will be on PTS tomorrow after reset encouraging people to test Antharas and handing out keys.

PTS Content Changes 1/12

The following changes will be tested on PTS beginning tomorrow. Please join us to help ensure accurate testing!

1) Antharas Balancing: Antharas has had his 'toughness' level reduced all the way around. He will now be less sturdy, but every bit as deadly.
The level up NPC will be available on Test server to help with testing. GM's will be available to assist with acquiring keys.

2) Candle of Reminiscence - This item can now be purchased from a brand new NPC (Candle Merchant Tilo) in Gludio next to Lolo. The cost is 10,000,000 adena. (This is not just for PTS, but is intended to go live after testing is completed.)

3) Tigers and Jindo Puppies have had their spawn rate increased. You should now see more of these around in their current spawn locations for your taming pleasure.

4) Sharna: You will now be able to purchase her polymorph scrolls in stacks of 10. The option to buy one at a time is still available.

5) Quest revisions: The level 45 mage quest doppelganger will now not be able to wander very far from his spawn location. The level 50 mage quest drops in Sanctuary of Evil have had their drop rate increased.